Helping you clarify and strengthen what you offer to your members
Do you lead a super fund?
Headstart Business Coaching specialises in helping super funds create and redefine their advice model and training programs for client-facing people.
Building an advice solution for members can be difficult given the complex nature of financial advice, superannuation, government legislation, member expectations and mixed messages from the regulators. My goal is to understand your business model and culture, delivering actionable recommendations that your team can execute to make a meaningful difference.
Organisations with member-facing staff often try to implement overly complicated conversation frameworks. As a result, the change for staff is significant, leading to lower than expected performance.
Based on your organisation's culture and goals I’ll work with you to develop a customised framework and training plan that ensures your people enjoy and embrace the change.
What I’ll help you achieve in our time together
How you’ll achieve it
Organisations have specific goals they are trying to achieve. Whether it’s redefining your advice model or upskilling your people, understanding your organisation’s culture and people is critical when developing a strong framework for your organisation to achieve your desired outcomes.
Let me help you with that.